packaging system
packaging system
packaging system

Stick, Sachet and Pouch Packing Machine (VFFS)

Powders, pastes and granules can be packed into stick packs, sachets and pouches using 3-4 side sealing solutions. Stick packs often made with materials like paper, PE coated aluminium or plastics are widely used. The small size, convenience and easy to open packages make them a convenient option. They require 35% less packaging and help provide just the right amount of product to the consumer.
The powder and liquid industries like condiments and spices use multilane sachet machines. These small packets are usually used for products like mayonnaise, salt, ketchup and sugar.

Application of Stick and Sachet Pack: What you can pack with our stick and sachet packing machines?
Coffee, Tea, Milk Powder, Sugar, Salt, Spices, Gels, Ketchup, Sauce, Paste, Mayonnaise, Drink & Fruit flavours etc.